Read our General Plant Care Instructions
View a copy of our Warranty Info
Vision Scapes guarantees to replace any plants installed by itself that fail to grow within the following time period:
- A one year guarantee is provided for all woody plant material*
- A 90 day limited guarantee on perennials and ground cover
(Installation must be between April 15 and October 15.)*
Chosen Plant Material:
Vision Scapes warrants all plant materials provided to meet accepted industry standards.
The freshest materials with hardiness tolerance suitable to this area are chosen. If the client requests a plant that has a hardiness zone rating which is less than tolerant to the local area, Vision Scapes will suggest a recommended substitute. However, if the client chooses to disregard the recommendation and desires their chosen plant, this plant will be omitted from the guarantee. Annuals, seed and bulbs are excluded from this guarantee due to shallow root systems and susceptibility to moisture and temperature extremes.
Watering Instructions:
The owner is responsible after installation of any landscape work for the continued health of the plants. The owner is required to water the plant material using the watering instructions provided by Vision Scapes. If the client fails to complete the necessary watering, Vision Scapes will no longer be held to its guarantee. If the client completes the necessary watering and the plant material does not survive due to the process of planting, Vision Scapes will replace the material at no charge to the owner.
The client must notify Vision Scapes Inc. immediately upon observing symptoms of plant decline which include wilting, leaf or needle drop, discoloration of leaves or woody stems, insect infestation, etc. This allows Vision Scapes to quickly determine possible causes of plant stress and recommend solutions to promote the health of the plant. However in cases where plant materials do not survive and require replacement they will be replaced when they become available in Vision Scapes stock and as Vision Scapes schedule allows.
The Guarantee will not be effective if any of the following occur:
- The owner's account balance is past due or has not been paid according to terms.
- An act of God or are affected by abnormal and/or extreme weather conditions, such as drought, prolonged subzero temperatures, early and late season severe freezes, floods, damaging winds, etc.
- Plants that are damaged or die as a result of insect infestation or disease.
- Plants that are injured or die as a result of improper cultural practices, such as over or under watering, over fertilization, damage from chemical applications, etc.
- Plants installed by Vision Scapes, by choice of client, in areas which receive reduced amount of natural rainfall or none at all. Plants that are not well suited to the area's temperature zone or soil conditions. If the client prefers to have such plants in non-recommended areas the client will take full responsibility for the health of the plant.